
The 3,000 exercises in the Literacy Toolbox are designed to be combined into programmes each with a separate educational goal for a different age group. Details of the way exercises should be combined are given in our instruction document ( here). Programmes can be administered manually by the teacher or using our automatic programme management system (see below).

One Reading Exercise Plus One Other

The basic format of every programme is one age (and level) appropriate supported reading exercise plus one other exercise each day, The second exercise is a mix of dictation, comprehension, spelling or grammar depending on the age and educational goals of the student. We have found this format to be the most successful both in recovering reading deficits and in preventing them from developing.

Automatically Managed Programmes

The Toolbox contains an automated managed programme system. Student's who have been assigned to a managed program are taken through a preset 5 day cycle of 2 exercises per day from that programme. The programmes available through the management system are the ones outlined in the instruction document above. Within each preset exercise students are still able to choose the topic they want to read or write about,

The Toolbox also lets teachers design their own managed programmes if they want to. Once a programme has been created by a teacher it can be assigned to any student entered onto their account.

Manually Managed Programmes

If teachers prefer they can simply not assign students to any particular automated programme and tell them each day what exercises they should do. Even if you use manually managed programmes it is still recommended that you give some consideration to our designs before creating your own.


The Literacy Toolbox consists of thousands (over 3,000) of interactive exercises organised by type and age group - from 4 to 14. Types of exercise are listed in the side bar - you can click on each one to get an idea of how it works. There is also a link to a page of videos at the bottom which explains how the exercises and other aspects of the Toolbox work.
